Tuesday 25 March 2014


Potty train your pet in three days

The most challenging part for new dog owners is probably housebreaking.

Unless your pet is potty trained, your life will me not very pleasant and you will certainly not enjoy having your dog in your home.

Many new dog owners actually get discouraged when they cannot potty train their pets and decide to give them up.

How To Potty Train Your Dog Fast

The easiest way to potty train your pet dog is the crate method. It is also fast. Dogs have a natural instinct that keeps them from soiling the area they normally sit in. This really makes crate training an easy way to housebreak dogs.

Crate training is easiest when you first bring your puppy home. However it should work for just about any dog but may take longer in some cases depending on how set your dog already is in his/her ways.

Dog in  CrateThe simplest method of crate training is to use a crate and newspapers. This is true especially for small puppies.

When you get your new puppy you don't want the pup to be free to roam around at night as you sleep. So the best method is to put the puppy in a crate and keep the crate near your bed at night.

Remember dogs will not soil the place they usually sit in. The crate as the dog sleeps or sits in it becomes your dogs den and he/she will not soil it. During the night the puppy will whine or bark when it wants to get out.

Take the crate to an area of the house where you have already laid a newspaper or potty pads and let the puppy out from the crate on to the newspaper or pads. It the pup needs to relieve itself they will do so on the paper or pad. After they have done their business you can return the pup to the crate and try and get some more sleep.

Of course there will be times in the initial stages that the puppy may just bark to get out and not want to relieve themselves. However normally a small put would want to go in about three hours any way so you should be able to get a fair idea within a day or two.

In the morning let the puppy out again on the paper and it will relieve itself within a few minutes. Make sure you give the puppy immediate praise as soon as they have done their business.

Puppies need to relieve themselves more often than bigger dogs as their bladder control has not developed at a younger age. My 8 week old pup seems to be able to control himself for around four hours at a stretch. For the first two days we had to take him about two or three times a night to the training pad we set up for him.

In the day time also place your puppy on the newspapers or pads a few minutes after meals. They usually will relieve themselves after eating.

Within a few days (my new puppy picked this routine in two days) the puppy will associate the newspapers or pads as the area to relieve itself.

If you devote your time consistently and take your pet to the paper area you have set up before he has accidents, you will have a paper trained pet by the third day. That is your pet will realize that the paper area is where he is supposed to relieve itself.

Gradually you can move the training pad or newspaper near a exterior door and eventually outside the house.


v  The crate must NOT be too big for the dog. If the crate is too big than the dog will simple mess one spot then move and sit on the other. Choose a crate that is just big enough for your to be able to stand and turn around.

Some pet crates that are big come with dividers where you can adjust the length of the crate to the desired size. Crates for smaller puppies are not very expensive and cost around $20. For a small puppy don't buy a very expensive crate as they will outgrow it pretty soon.

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